Climate Change Education - Research to Practice



Climate change mitigation tends to focus on technology solutions while social strategies including education can be mentioned but are typically absent in local and national climate-action plans.

We need to create educational tools, supported by research and data, that demonstrate the value of education within climate change mitigation strategies.

Through research and development initiated at San Jose State University, a team of scientists and educators have created the following

Students working on climate-action plan

Research documents impact of education in tons of carbon per year

Our paper demonstrates that students in California who received a high-quality climate change education went on to reduce their personal and household carbon dioxide emissions by an average of nearly 3 tons per year compared to the average Californian.

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Educational model of effective instruction

The research uncovered a model for creating effective educational experiences that promote changes in attitudes and behavior towards climate awareness and action.

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Other Research

A number of other studies have explored how action-oriented educational projects impact academic achievement, student attitudes, and behavior.

We’ve translated this research into a state-approved middle school science program

Our Goal

To work with other researchers and practitioners to advance our understanding and implementation of climate change education within K-16 settings.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
